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These photos reflect just a few of the activities with which we are involved!


meachem shoes

Drive In and Drop Off Shoe Drive in the Valley

covid shoe drive

Goal met and time for the shoe drive pick up.

Craft Collage

Fundraising means creating new items to sell at our booth

Drag for Pets Fundraiser

Such a fun night. "Britney Spears" even showed up! Performers, music, drinks and silent auction made for a great night.


crafting never gets old

Pop-Up Events

Getting the word out to the community while selling some AAGS Swag

Garage Sale Fundraiser

Who can resist garage sales deals. With donations from the community, another fun event was able to be held during Covid

We make new friends.

Shoe Drive

One of our shoe drive volunteers having fun with some of the fashion in our shoe donations

We meet with local, state, and federal legislators.


Booth visitor at Pumpkins and Pooches

Pooches and Pumpkins Event

Family jumps in to help and have some fun at the Helping Hounds Pumpkins and Pooches event.

Shoe Drive Continues On

Even Covid couldn't stop AAGS volunteers from reaching their shoe drive goal. Drive in and Drop off events allowed the event to be successful.

Becky Thompson

We advocate for a stronger safety net for local animals.


We travel.

Bill Bruce

We go to conferences to gather the best ideas from all over the world. (click to learn more)

santa paws

Santa Paws visitors

Fun While Tabling at Events

Founding member and current board members Donna and Jacqui capturing a moment

2014-05-24 17.52.22

We educate.

Branching Out logo2.png
SWK-FundLogo_LifesavingColor (2).png                               PO Box 94, Liverpool, NY 13088

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